Livia Veneziani racconta Svevo
by Irene Battino
Based on the biography of Svevo written by his wife (together with the writer Lina Galli) and published in 1950 by Anita Pittoni in her Zibaldone editions, the exhibition explored the respective family backgrounds of husband and wife (who were also first cousins), their education and their relationship.
The catalogue includes articles by A.R. Rugliano, B. Maier, I. Battino, E. Schächter, D. De Rosa, D. De Ferra. I. Visintini, R. Trevisani, F. Anzellotti
- Tra autobiografia e memoria: la “Vita di Svevo” della moglie Livia / Between Autobiography and Memoir: the Life of Svevo by his Wife Livia - di Bruno Maier
- Svevo in famiglia / Svevo and his Family - di Fulvio Anzellotti
127 pp. ill. 10 euro.